Shred Body Fat in just 61 Days

William Kobbe, CPT U.S. Army Ranger A title like the one above usually produces immediate interest and often some skepticism, especially in the society of quick fixes but, at least in this case, isn’t misleading. A course pioneered in the 1950’s in support of leadership development does just that — shreds body fat.

Ranger School Book Exposes...
Ranger School Book
Ranger School Book
...the challenge, the pain and the leadership value of U. S. Army Ranger School. Experience the first book to illuminate the best leadership school in the U.S. Army; Ranger School. Ranger School puts you at ground level and drives home leadership principles through impactful first-person stories. Learn what Ranger School is like. Feel the claustrophobia of the first night, the frustration of exhaustion and the pain of hunger. "No-excuse leaders don't have to act tough, but they must display mental toughness. Is it a coincidence that a 2006 study found that companies led by ex-military CEOs outperformed the S&P 500, and that such leaders lasted longer in their jobs?"

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