13 Ways of Looking at a Leader

Our endless fascination with leadership has inspired an endless parade of leadership books, many of which strive to identify distinctive styles of top-doggery. Whether CEOs can learn to lead from the prescriptions of academics, consultants, military and management thinkers is open to debate. For those wishing to try—or at least to be inspired—here are a baker’s dozen of the most prevalent types of leaders. We have also cited a book associated with each leadership style, as well as some real-world examples of each archetype.

13 Ways of Looking at a Leader

Published on May 29, 2012 on INC.com Our endless fascination with leadership has inspired an endless parade of leadership books, many of which strive to identify distinctive styles of top-doggery. Whether CEOs can learn to lead from the prescriptions of academics, consultants, and management thinkers is open to debate.

Ranger School Book Exposes...
Ranger School Book
Ranger School Book
...the challenge, the pain and the leadership value of U. S. Army Ranger School. Experience the first book to illuminate the best leadership school in the U.S. Army; Ranger School. Ranger School puts you at ground level and drives home leadership principles through impactful first-person stories. Learn what Ranger School is like. Feel the claustrophobia of the first night, the frustration of exhaustion and the pain of hunger. "No-excuse leaders don't have to act tough, but they must display mental toughness. Is it a coincidence that a 2006 study found that companies led by ex-military CEOs outperformed the S&P 500, and that such leaders lasted longer in their jobs?"

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