Retired U.S. Army colonel credits hometown with inspiring life of service When United States Army veteran Ranger Bob Portante planned on returning to his hometown of Windber, he knew he wanted to be involved in the community that meant so much to him growing up. With the help of his […]
Army Ranger Tony Mayne made most of his CBJ military salute When the Blue Jackets recognize servicemembers past and present during each game with the Elk + Elk Military Salute, it’s common for the honoree to be thanked and congratulated by well-wishing fans throughout the game. When Major Tony Mayne […]
Ranger Jonna Reinhardt takes unconventional route to commissioned Army officer Ranger Jonna Reinhardt ’07, M.B.A. ’20 took an unconventional route from William & Mary graduate to commissioned military officer. He did not participate in ROTC as an undergrad and chose to enlist almost 12 years ago to be a part […]
Ranger William O. Darby remembered as Fort Smith’s exemplary Army Ranger Darby William O. Darby Fort Smith The recent 75th anniversary of the Allied victory in Europe reminded me that one of the war’s greatest commanders was an Arkansan who was killed only two days before the surrender of German […]
Squad Weapons 6.8: The Army’s Next-Generation Squad Weapon Is a Big Hit With SOCOM The 75th Ranger Regiment, Green Berets and other U.S. special operations ground forces will be equipped with the conventional Army’s Next Generation Squad Weapons. “We are an enthusiastic supporter of the Army’s 6.8mm Next Generation Squad […]